Press conference

Wenger - The reasons behind Debuchy’s resurgence

Mathieu Debuchy crowned a convincing performance with a fine opening goal in our 6-0 win over BATE Borisov on Thursday night.

After an encouraging start to life in north London, the France international has seen first-team opportunities curtailed in recent years, largely due to a string of injuries. 

Arsène Wenger is impressed with the way in which Debuchy has handled those disappointments - and is pleased to see the 32-year-old impressing on the pitch again.

on Debuchy’s resurgence…

Yes, because he’s mentally strong. I’ve said many times in this job you can never give up, no matter what happens for you and always be ready in case you’re needed. Not many can do that, but Mathieu can do that. 

on whether Debuchy has a genuine future…

He is under contract. That’s down to his performances now and I opened the door for him many times because he didn’t play and because he has Bellerin in front of him. We have as well Ainsley now who can play right and left, but I consider him like anybody else and I must say I have a huge respect for his professional side and how much he did fight to come back to the top. He’s a tough, tough guy. Tough worker.

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