
Extra: Wenger on approach to Olympiacos

Read extra quotes from Arsène Wenger's press conference ahead of the Leicester City game. For more headlines, visit our Digest page.

on whether it going too far to say it is a 'must-win' game…
Yes, you sum it up well. You have to win your home games if you want to qualify from the group stage, it is simple as that. We cannot afford to drop points now against anyone at home.

on how the Man United game affects selection for Olympiacos…
The game will not interfere with that at all. It is more the games we played before that could have an influence. Some players had two tough games at Tottenham and at Leicester, where they were a high level physically. I will have to analyse that today and make my decisions.

on lessons from matchday one…
I don’t believe it is down to selection at all, I believe that the 20 players I have available can play in every single game. I close my eyes, just take a position and I am confident we have a very strong team. On the day [at Zagreb], basically the same team played at Tottenham and won in the League Cup in a game that was much more physical, so I believe it was just on the night that we didn’t play well.

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on if the approach at home is different to playing away…
It is not much different. What changes more is the attitude of our opponent. We always try to play and go forward. At home we face maybe a different kind of problem, teams regroup in front of their box and you need to be penetrative with your passing, with your movement, and clinical with your finishing.

on who is playing in goal…
I have not decided yet.

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