
Wenger - Alexis and Ozil want to be here

The futures of both Alexis and Mesut Ozil has been a hot topic this season as their respective contracts near their final year.

Both have been in fine form of late, and combined brilliantly to score in the recent 4-1 win at Stoke City.

But how does Arsene Wenger rate their performances? This is what he had to say:

on Alexis and Mesut’s recent form underlining their commitment to the club…
Yes, of course. Maybe one day I will be able to speak about that, but I don’t question, at the moment, their focus and their determination because every game they turn up and give strong performances.

on if it could prove tough to keep them if we don’t make the top four…
No, because they are part of the results as well. Like I am. Overall, I think first of all they are under contract and secondly they behave like they want to be in the Champions League and like they want to be at the club. They don’t behave like players who are disinterested in the future of the club.


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